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Anti-Wrinkle Treatments

Our treatments involve injecting a small amount of Xeomin® (incobotulinumtoxinA) into selected facial muscles using a very fine needle. A treatment takes about 15 minutes. Discomfort is typically minimal and brief, and no anaesthetic is usually required. The injection may sting for a few seconds but normal activities can be resumed soon after.

Unit Prices

Each treatment will require several units of Xeomin® (incobotulinumtoxinA) depending on the size of the area being treated.

See the treatments below to get an idea of pricing and standard dosage.

Unit price (as of August 2021): $14 NZD per unit.

Frown Lines
Frown Lines

Reduce and prevent "angry face" frown lines.

Crows Feet
Crows Feet

Reduce and Prevent wrinkles and fine lines around your eyes.

Forehead Treatment
Forehead Treatment

Reduce and prevent forehead wrinkles, enjoy smoother skin.

Lip Flip
Lip Flip

A lip flip can help people achieve a fuller upper lip without dermal filler. The procedure involves injections into your upper lip to relax the muscles and "flip" your lip upward.

Smooth Chin Dimpling
Smooth Chin Dimpling

This treatment can reduce the appearance of dimples and creases in the chin.

Vertical Lip Lines
Vertical Lip Lines

Treatment to relax the muscles around the mouth and lips to prevent deep lines.

Bunny Lines
Bunny Lines

This treatment is used to reduce and prevent wrinkles and lines across the nose.

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Platysmal Bands

Caused by aging and thickening of two edges of the neck muscles that run up the front left and right sides of your neck mid-line, all the way to your chin.

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Treatment to assist in relaxing facial muscles to reduce the appearance of dynamic lines caused by muscle movement.